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6 Juillet 2018

Disponible en

Franklin - Wisconsin: Il 23 e 24 giugno c’è stato il “Missione Summer Festival”. Molte persone, famiglie, giovani e bambini sono venuti a godersi la musica, i giochi e il buon cibo che i nostri fantastici volontari avevano preparato per loro. Quest'anno, poi, uno dei momenti salienti è stata la celebrazione della Santa Messa durante la quale c’è stata la "cerimonia della consegna del crocifisso" a p. Alexander García Román prossimo partente per la Sierra Leone.

Il festival è stato una grande opportunità per incontrare persone, condividere il nostro spirito missionario e raccogliere anche fondi per le missioni.



Franklin - Wisconsin: on the weekend of June 23-24, we hosted our annual Mission Summer Fest. Many people, families, youth and children came to enjoy the music, the games and the good food that our fantastic volunteers had been preparing for them. This year, one of the highlights was the Sunday Liturgy of the Eucharist. During the Mass we had the "mission sending ceremony" for Fr. Alexander Garcia Roman who will be leaving shortly for Sierra Leone. He received the "mission cross" accompanied by the prayers and the promise made by all the present to support him in his mission service.  The festival was a great opportunity to meet people, to share our missionary spirit and to raise funds for the missions too.