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P. Italo Noris



L’11 settembre 2018, alle ore 17:45 circa, è morto a Bukavu P. Italo Antonio Noris. Aveva compiuto 82 anni, essendo nato a Sforzatica di Dalmine (BG – Italia) il giorno 16.06.1936.

Il giovane Italo entra tra i Saveriani nell’ottobre del 1947. Dopo un anno a Pedrengo e due a Grumone, completa il ginnasio nella casa di Zelarino. Nel 1953 si trasferisce a S. Pietro in Vincoli per l’anno di noviziato alla fine del quale emette la Prima Professione religiosa-missionaria (09.10.1954).

Dopo un anno di prefettato a Massa Lucana (1954-1955), il giovane Italo continua con la consueta formazione di base: studi liceali a Desio (1955-1958) e studi teologici a Parma (1958-1962). Viene ordinato presbitero nella cattedrale di Parma il giorno 08.04.1962.

Dopo l’ordinazione, p. Noris rimane in Italia fino al 1968, svolgendo varie attività: dapprima ministero ad Alzano L. (1962-1963), poi pastorale giovanile (1963-1964), aiuto Economo Regionale a Parma (1964-1966), aiutante Procura delle Missioni a Parma (1966-1968).

Nel 1968 p. Noris viene destinato alla missione del Congo. Dopo un primo periodo a Kitutu come vice parroco (1968-1970) deve rientrare in Italia per cure mediche (1970- 1972). Rientrato in Congo, ottiene un permesso di esclaustrazione che trascorre nella diocesi di Mahagi-Nioka lavorando come parroco a Mahagi (1972-1978).

Nel 1978 p. Italo viene richiamato in Italia e nominato Rettore della casa di Piacenza.

Nel 1981 p. Italo ottiene di ritornare in Congo dove svolge vari ruoli: economo e Vice parroco a Luvungi fino al 1984; economo al Seminario di Mungombe fino al 1985 e Vice parroco a Baraka dal 1986 al 1987. Poi ancora vice parroco a Fizi (1988-1989), a Nakiliza (1989-1993) e Cimpunda (1993-1994). Dal 1996 al 2003 fu poi Procuratore di missione a Kinshasa.

Dopo un anno di aggiornamento e di cure in Italia, p. Italo è Vice parroco a Shabunda (2004-2007) e a Luvungi (2007-2008); Parroco a Kavimvira (2008-2009), poi Vice parroco a Bukavu-Cahi (2009-2010). In seguito viene destinato a Kilomoni come Rettore (2010-2011) e poi come Economo (2011-2013);

Nel 2013 p. Italo viene destinato alla Casa Regionale a Bukavu (2013-2014) e poi a Panzi Paroisse St. Conforti (2014-2016). Nel 2016 viene destinato alla filosofia di Bukavu–Vamaro come Direttore Spirituale.

L’11 settembre 2018, dopo due giorni di coma in seguito ad una meningite, padre Italo viene introdotto al cospetto dell’Altissimo per ricevere il premio riservato ai servitori fedeli.

Riposi in pace.


On September 11, 2018, at 5:45 PM Fr. Italo Antonio Noris died at Bukavu. He was 82 years old. He was born in the town of Sforzatica of Dalmine (BG – Italy) on June 16, 1936.

Young, he entered the House of the Xaverians in October 1947. After a year spent in Pedrengo and two years in Grumone, Fr. Italo Noris finished his preparatory Studies in the House of Zelarino. In 1953 moved to San Pietro in Vincoli for the year of Novitiate. At the end of it, on October 09, 1954, he celebrated his First Religious Missionary Profession.

After a whole year spent in the town of Massa Lucana (1954-1955), helping the local Xaverian students as their Assistant Prefect, the young Italo continued with his basic formation: College in Desio (1955-1958) and Theology in Parma (1958-1962). Fr. Italo Noris was ordained Priest in the Cathedral of Parma on April 08, 1962.

After Ordination, Fr. Noris remained in Italy up to 1968. He was involved in various activities and ministries: first, ministry in Alzano Lombardo (1962-1963), then, youth ministry (1963-1964), Assistant to the Regional Treasurer of the Italian Province in Parma (1964-1966), Assistant to the Mission Procura of Parma (1966-1968).

In 1968, Fr. Italo Noris was assigned to the mission of the Democratic Republic of Congo. After a first period spent in the area of Kitutu as Assistant Parish Priest (1968-1970), due to sickness, he had to return to Italy (1970-1972). Once returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Fr. Italo obtained the Permission of Exclaustration to work in the Diocese of Mahagi/Nioka, minestering as Parish Priest in Mahagi (1972-1978).

In 1978, Fr. Italo was recalled to Italy and assigned as Rector to the House of Piacenza.

In 1981, Fr. Italo Noris was allowed to return to the Democratic Republic of Congo and served in various roles: he was Treasurer and Assistant Parish Priest at Luvungi up to 1984, Treasurer of the Seminary of Mungombe up to 1985 and Assistant Parish Priest of Baraka from 1986 to 1987. Then he was Assistant Parish Priest in Fizi (1988-1989), Assistant Parish Priest in Nakiliza (1989-1993) and Cimpunda (1993-1994). From 1996 to 2003, Fr. Italo Noris was Mission Procurator in Kinshasa.

He followed a year of study and healthcare in Italy. Then again he became Assistant Parish Priest in Shabunda (2004-2007), Assistant Parish Priest in Luvungi (2007-2008), Parish Priest in Kavimvira (2008-2009), Assistant Parish Priest in Bukavu-Cahi (2009-2010). Fr. Italo Noris was then named Rector of Kilomoni (2010-2011), and then Treasurer (2011-2013).

In 2013, Fr. Italo was assigned to the Regional House at Bukavu (2013-2014), then at Panzi Paroisse St. Conforti (2012-2016). In 2016 he was assigned as Spiritual Director to the Philosophy House in Bukavu-Vamaro.

On September 11, 2018, after two days in coma due to meningitis, Fr. Italo Noris returned to the Heavenly Father to receive his reward as a faithful servant of the Loving Lord.

May Fr. Italo Noris, s.x. rest in peace!

15 Octobre 2018
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