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Ongoing Formation (Asia) - Report 2


Convention of Young Xaverian Missionaries on Ongoing Formation

Present Challenges in Priestly Ministry: Events, Tasks, and Challenges

Manila, 13-26 August 2018

Second Day:

Like the day before, we began the second day of our meeting on ongoing formation with Morning Prayer combined with Holy Hour. Then Fr. Fabien read the letter of the General Superior, Fr. Fernando Garcia.

Mis Paz Baquiran of the Emmaus Center for Psycho-Spiritual Formation opened the first session of this day by presenting a brief synthesis of what emerged from yesterday. Today we entered into more details with inputs on Transition by Fr. Ramon Masculino. The path of integration is embracing transition which is the psychological and spiritual process people go through in coming to terms with change. The morning session ended with sharing into small groups and a series of questions and points to ponder upon for personal reflection.

After the afternoon break, we were lead into an interactive session aimed at helping us to capture and possibly name the transitions that we went through starting from the perpetual profession and the presbyteral ordination up to now. After the celebration of the Eucharist and the supper, we ended the second day with watching a movie together.

Missionari Saveriani Filippine
16 Agosto 2018
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