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Correctio Fraterna


Community of the Theologate of Manila

The Xaverian community of the Theologate of Manila will soon experience the Correctio Fraterna. We have already practiced it during the past years, with satisfactory results. It is a moment for putting ourselves in front of God and to face with honesty the reality of our lives with the help of our brothers. It is a spiritual tool for going towards God, together.

Fraternal Correctio must encompass two main dimensions: the correction of what must be improved in our lives and the edification of the others, highlighting the positive, achievements, and gifts. We have realized that, if done with the right dispositions, this Correctio/Aedificatio is able to foster our personal growth and strengthen our fraternity as well. 

The power-point presentation offers some guidelines for practicing this formative tool.

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It briefly presents its spiritual foundations and points out the necessary attitudes to make it really fraternal and useful, both in giving and receiving. It is necessary to put oneself in front of God, to do it out of love, to avoid revenge or compliance, to do it focusing on the other (what can make him become a better person) and not on oneself (what burdens me), to correct with inner freedom. 

Moreover, the presentation explains how to practically do it by means of written notes on the strengths and weaknesses of the addressed person (of course other approaches are also possible). Finally, the presentation invites us to have realistic expectations on the possible outcomes (do not expect sudden transformations of our brothers, or to solve all community problems in a snap of a finger), and also points out that any change is a difficult endeavor. In this line, it asks the person who makes a correction, to offer also his understanding, patience, accompaniment and full support. 

Fraternal correction/edification is an effective tool as long as it is done within an atmosphere of sincere love for each other. It is nevertheless a delicate and fragile instrument capable of turning into a harmful weapon if misused. We ask God to help us in doing it out of love, for our personal growth, the improvement of our fraternity and the good of mission. 

Manila, January 12, 2021

Matteo Rebecchi sx
17 Gennaio 2021
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Correctio Fraterna Manila 2021
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