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P. Aniello Salicone


(1940 - 2020)

La sera del 18 novembre 2020, poco dopo le 21:00 (ore locali) P. Aniello Salicone è deceduto all’ospedale di Franklin (Milwaukee - USA), dove era ricoverato dal 13 novembre con sintomi da Covid-19. Aveva 80 anni, essendo nato il 12 marzo 1940, ad Ariano di Olevano sul Tusciano (Salerno).

Proveniente dal Seminario di Salerno, nel 1961 il giovane Aniello entra nella casa saveriana di Nizza Monferrato (Asti – Piemonte) per vivere l’anno di Noviziato, alla fine del quale emette la Prima Professione religiosa-missionaria (03 ottobre 1962). In seguito va a Parma per lo studio della teologia (1962-1967), studio inframezzato da un anno di prefettato a Massa Lucana (1963-1964).

Viene ordinato Presbitero a Parma il 16 ottobre 1966.

Finiti gli studi teologici, p. Aniello viene destinato a Salerno dapprima come promotore vocazionale (1967-1973) e poi come vice rettore (1973-1975).

Dopo un anno di lingua a Londra (1975-1976), p. Aniello parte per la Sierra Leone dove lavora a Kabala, prima come vice parroco (1976-1978), insegnante (1976-1979) e poi come parroco (1978-1979).

Dopo aver conseguito un master in Divinity presso il C.T.U. di Chicago (1979-1981), p. Aniello, dal 1981 al 1989, lavora come insegnante nel seminario maggiore di Gbanga (Liberia), dove posteriormente diventa anche rettore. Allo stesso tempo presta vari servizi all’interno della locale comunità sx: vice rettore, rettore ed economo.

Dopo un periodo di cure in Italia (1989-1990), dal 1990 al 1993 p. Aniello svolge il servizio di rettore della casa di Finchley (Londra); in seguito va a Gallico (Reggio Calabria) per un breve periodo di ministero (1993-1994).

Destinato alla Regione degli U.S.A., p. Aniello lavora prima nel Centro di Animazione ad Holliston, come animatore ed economo (1994-2001) e poi a Chicago, St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church (2001-2010), dove svolge vari servizi: vice parroco, economo locale, formatore e animatore vocazionale. Dal 2004 al 2007 è anche consigliere regionale.

Nel 2010 p. Aniello viene mandato a Franklin (Milwaukee) come vice rettore ed animatore vocazionale missionario.

A causa delle sue condizioni di salute, il 13 novembre 2020 p. Aniello viene ricoverato nell’ospedale di Franklin. Qui, il 18 novembre viene portato dagli Angeli al cospetto dell’Altissimo per ricevere la ricompensa del servitore buono e fedele.

Riposi in pace.


(1940 - 2020)

One the evening of November 18th, 2020, shortly after 9:00 pm (local time), Fr. Aniello Salicone died at the Hospital of St. Francis in the city of Milwaukee – USA, where he had been hospitalized since November 13th with symptoms of Covid-19. Fr. Aniello Salicone was born on March 12th, 1940, in Ariano di Olevano sul Tusciano (Salerno – IT), and was now 80 years old.

Coming from the Seminary of Salerno, in 1961 young Aniello entered the Xaverian House of Nizza Monferrato (Asti – Piemonte) for the year of Novitiate. At the end of it, he celebrated his First Religious Missionary Profession. It was the 3rd of October, 1962. Then he transferred to Parma for the study of Theology (1962-1967). For one year (1963-1964) he also served as Students Prefect in the Xaverian House of Massa Lucana.

Fr. Aniello Salicone was ordained Priest in Parma on October 16th, 1966.

Having finished with his Theological Studies, Fr. Aniello was assigned to the Xaverian House of Salerno, first contributing in the ministry of Vocation Education (1967-1973) and, then, as Vice-Rector (1973-1975).

After a year spent in London for the study of the English Language, Fr. Aniello Salicone left for Sierra Leone, where he ministered in the town of Kabala, first as Assistant Parish Priest (1976-1978), teacher (1976-1979), and then as Parish Pariest (1978-1979).

After some time spent in Chicago – USA and having obtained a Master Degree in C.T.U. – Chicago (1979-1981), Fr. Aniello returned to Sierra Leone and worked (1981-1989), first, as teacher in the Major Seminary in Gbanga (Liberia) and then, as rector. At the same time, Fr. Aniello provided various services within the local Xaverian Community: Vice-Rector, Rector and Treasurer.

After a year spent in Italy for health reasons (1989-1990), from 1990 to 1993, Fr. Aniello Salicone served as Rector of the Xaverian House in Finchley (London). Later he was assigned to the Xaverian House of Gallico (Reggio Calabria) for a short period of ministry (1993-1994).

Assigned to the USA Xaverian Region, Fr. Aniello Salicone worked first in the ministry of Mission Education in the Xaverian Community of Holliston (Mass.). Then he was also named local Treasurer (1994-2001). Transferred to Chicago (Ill.), Fr. Salicone ministered in the Parish of St. Therese with the Italian and Chinese Community (2001-2010). His services were many: Assistant Parish Priest, local Community Treasurer, Mission Ministry and Vocation Ministry. From 2004 to 2007, Fr. Aniello Salicone was also chosen as Xaverian Regional Councilor.

In the year 2010, Fr. Aniello was assigned to the Xaverian House in Franklin (Wis.). He offered his services as Vic-Rector and as Mission and Vocation Minister.

Due to his health condition, on November 13th, 2020, Fr. Aniello Salicone was brought to the St. Francis Hospital in the city of Milwaukee. Here, on November 18th, 2020, Fr. Aniello Salicone was brought by the Angels before the Most High to receive the reward of the good and faithful servant.

May Fr. Aniello Salicone rest in peace.

25 Febbraio 2021
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