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P. Luigi Zucchinelli


(1937 - 2020)

La mattina del 28.11.2020, intorno alle 6.00 a,m., è deceduto presso l’Hospice Piccole Figlie di Parma, per insufficienza respiratoria, P. Luigi Zucchinelli. P. Luigi aveva 83 anni, essendo nato il 13/11/1937 a Sforzatica di Dalmine (Bergamo – IT).

Nel 1949 il giovane Luigi entra nella casa saveriana di Grumone dove frequenta l’ultimo anno delle elementari e i tre anni di scuola media (1949-1953). In seguito va a Zelarino per il ginnasio (1953-1955) e a S. Pietro in Vincoli per l’anno di noviziato.

Dopo la Prima Professione religiosa-missionaria (fatta il 12.09.1956 a S. Pietro in Vincoli), il giovane Luigi continua con il consueto iter scolastico-formativo: liceo a Desio (1956-1959), prefettato a Brescia (1959-1960). Nel 1960 viene inviato negli U.S.A. per gli studi di teologia.

Viene ordinato Presbitero a Milwaukee (USA) il 29.09.1963.

Finiti gli studi teologici, p. Luigi viene destinato a Nizza Monferrato come vice rettore ed economo (1964-1967). Nel 1967 viene destinato al Bangladesh. Dopo un periodo di studi sociali in Canada e di studio della lingua locale a Khulna, p. Luigi resta a Khulna come incaricato della Boyra School (1969-1970). 

A causa di un grave incidente stradale p. Luigi deve rientrare in Italia. Dopo una specializzazione in Scienze dell’Educazione al P.A.S. di Roma (1971-1974), p. Luigi va nel Teologato di Parma come insegnante (1974-1976) e poi come rettore (1977-1981). In seguito p. Luigi viene nominato rettore di Alzano Lombardo (1981-1984). Poi ritorna a Parma come rettore dello CSAM (1984-1986) e come rettore della Teologia (1986-1989). In questo periodo serve la nostra Famiglia anche come consigliere e vice superiore regionale dell’Italia.

Dal 1989 al 1995 p. Luigi esercita il servizio di consigliere generale. In seguito gli è chiesto di servire come Segretario per la formazione (1995-2001) e come superiore della Delegazione Centrale (1996-2004). 

Eccettuando 4 anni trascorsi a Roma - Casa Generalizia (2010 - 2014) dove coordina le attività della canonizzazione di Mons. Conforti, dal 2001 al 2020 p. Luigi è a Tavernerio con diversi ruoli: vice-direttore dei corsi di formazione (2001-2010), rettore (2004-2010; 2014-2019), coordinatore del ministero e accoglienza. 

Per ragioni di salute, nel Febbraio del 2020 si trasferisce a Parma. Il 23 novembre 2020 p. Luigi viene ricoverato presso l’Hospice Piccole Figlie di Parma. Qui, il 28.11.2020, viene preso dagli Angeli che lo portano al cospetto dell’Altissimo per ricevere la ricompensa del servitore buono e fedele.

Riposi in pace.

(1937 - 2020)

Rev. Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli passed away on the morning of November 28th, 2020, at the Hospice of the Little Daughters of Parma, due to difficulties in his breathing. Fr. Luigi was born in the town of Sforzatica di Dalmine (Bergamo – Italy) on November 13th, 1937, and was now 83 years old.

In 1949, young Luigi entered the Xaverian Seminary House of Grumone, where he completed his last year of Elementary Grade School and three years of High School (1949-1953). Then, he went to the Xaverian Seminary House of Zelarino (Venice) for the final years of High School (1953-1955). The Novitiate Year was in San Pietro in Vincoli (Ravenna).  

After celebrating his First Religious Missionary Profession (September 12th, 1956 in San Pietro in Vincoli), Luigi Zucchinelli transferred to Desio for his College Education (1956-1959). In the year 1959-1960, Luigi Zucchinelli served as Students Prefect in the Xaverian House of Brescia. In the year 1960, Luigi Zucchinelli was asked to go to USA for his Theological Education and for his final formation process in preparation for his Priestly Ordination.

Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was ordained Priest in the city of Milwaukee (WIS) on September 29th, 1963.

At his returned to Italy for celebration, vacation and rest, Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was assigned to the Xaverian House of Nizza Monferrato as Vice-Rector of the Community and as Treasurer-Procurator (1964-1967). In the year 1967, Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was assigned to Bangladesh. After a period of Continuing Education and Study in the area of Social Education in Canada and after learning the Bengali local language in the city of Khulna (Bangladesh), Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was assigned to offer his mission pastoral contribution in the city of Khulna and assumed to responsibility of leading the Boyra School (1969-1970).

Due to a most serious driving accident, Fr. Luigi had to return to Italy. After having received a Diploma in Sciences of Education at the P.A.S. in Rome (1971-1974), Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli went to the Xaverian Theology Community of Parma as teacher (1974-1976) and then as Rector (1977-1981). Later Fr. Luigi was named Rector of the Xaverian Community of Alzano Lombardo (1981-1984). He returned to Parma again, first, as Rector of the CSAM (1984-1986) and then as Rector of the Theology Community (1986-1989). During this period, Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was also asked to contribute to the Xaverian Family as Councilor and Vice-Superior Regional of the Italian Region. 

From 1989 to 1995, Fr. Luigi was also chosen as Councilor of the Xaverian General Direction. Soon he was also chosen as Secretary of Formation (2001-2010), and as Superior of the Central Delegation (1996-2004).

Except for the four years spent in Rome – House of the General Direction (2010-2014) coordinating all the activities leading to the Proclamation of Sanctity of our Founder Mons. Guido Maria Conforti, from 2001 to 2020 Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was assigned to the Xaverian House of Tavernerio, where he offered various services: Vice-Director of Formation Courses (2001-2010), Rector (2004-2010; 2014-2019), Coordinator of Ministry and of Services to the many guests of the House.

Due to health needs, in the month of February 2020, Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli was transferred to the Xaverian Mother House of Parma. On November 23rd, 2020, he was brought to the Hospice of the Little Daughters of Parma. There, on November 28th, 2020, he was brought by the Angels to the presence of the Most High to receive the just reward of the good and faithful servant.

May Fr. Luigi Zucchinelli rest in peace.

01 Marzo 2021
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