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In Between Religion, Secularity, & Spiritualities


In Between Religion, Secularity, & Spiritualities: Some Implications for a Postsecular Catholicism 

Carl Chudy, SX 


wish to begin this study from the larger framework of spirituality, which is its impetus, and in particular I suggest we ponder St. Bonaventure and his doctrine of exemplarism,1 which speaks of the profound relationship of God and cosmos. He describes creation as a limited expression of the infinite and dynamic love among Father, Son, and Spirit, exploding into a “a thousand forms” in the universe. The world is a mirror of the Divine and is therefore, sacramental. Our pluralism, the variety of faiths, cultures, and peoples is a “consciousness” of divine presence. This is one of many ways of understanding from a religious perspective, that in between religion, secularity, and spiritualities lies the abiding presence of the Creator, who is always creating...


Carl Chudy sx
10 Gennaio 2019
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